Being Present

January 18, 2020

It is not uncommon as January 1 comes around for people to make New Years resolutions. However, I did not choose to do this. My focus is not being a “new” me, but rather a better version of the “me” that God created. This is a time to remember that God created us in His perfect image.  I do not consider myself perfect by any means. I know that He loves me as I am. I do believe there is a lot of room for improvement! 

One way that I would like to be a better version of me is being present. What this means to me is not being distracted. When I am meeting with a family, for instance, I need to be present in this conversation, and not distracted with what I am going to make for dinner or who commented on my Facebook post.

I challenge you to also try to be present. Be present with your spouse, be present with your children. God puts people in our lives for a reason. We need to cherish the time we have with them, and give them our attention.

Being Present